Momin Sarkar gets TRUB Award

Momin Sarkar gets TRUB Award

Momin Sarkar has got Television Reporters Unity of Bangladesh (TRUB) Award-2024 in the best director category. The award ceremony was held at the Ballroom of hotel InterContinental Dhaka in the capital’s Shahbagh area on Wednesday. Minister for Land Narayan Chandra Chanda graced the occasion as the chief guest while former shipping minister Shajahan Khan inaugurated the ceremony.

Momin Sarkar is a video editor and director. He started his media career as a video editor. Since 2010, he has been directing drama for television drams. His direction first single-episode play is ‘Varate Jamai’.

Regarding the award, Momin Sarkar said, “It is always nice to get award. Any recognition at work increases responsibility towards the work. Please keep me in your prayers so that I can present more quality plays to the audience in the coming days.”