Playwright Rajib Moni Das has been announced as the chief judge for the reality show “Jiboner Golpo Bolun, Bari Jitun.” Initiated by Mia Abdullah Wazed’, the show will be aired on ATN Bangla soon.
The show focus on industrial workers from various sectors across the country, particularly those who are landless, homeless, either currently employed in an industry or retired, and who have diverse experiences and intellect.
About the show, Rajib Moni Das said, “Earlier, I have performed as judges at several reality shows. But, this show is totally different from previous events. I express my respect to Mia Abdullah Wazed Sir for undertaking such a unique initiative alongside entertainment. I hope the audience will enjoy this show.” It may be mentioned that.
Rajib Moni Das has served as a chief judge on a number of reality shows, including Asian TV’s popular reality show “Mr. and Miss Glamour Looks 2023” and the BABHASI International Film Festival 2022-2023.
According to sources, the reality show “Jiboner Golpo Bolun, Bari Jitun” will be broadcasted on popular private television channel ATN Bangla soon.