Attack, Vandalism, and Looting on a Minority Hindu Family in Mirpur

Attack, Vandalism, and Looting on a Minority Hindu Family in Mirpur

Polash Moni Das lives with his family, including his mother Gowri Rani Das, in Paschim Shewrapara, Mirpur, Dhaka. After Sheikh Hasina’s resignation, around 10:15 PM last Tuesday, a group of miscreants broke into their home by smashing the main gate.

Gowri Rani Das
Gowri Rani Das

They entered the house, caused extensive damage, and looted 10 bhori of gold jewelry and 200,000 taka in cash from the almirah. Earlier, around 7 PM, the miscreants had first tried to break into the house by smashing the main gate but failed and created panic by breaking the glass of the window. Polash and nearby residents chased them away at that time. Later, around 10:15 PM, a group of 30-40 people attacked again. During the attack, they carried sticks and sharp weapons. Most of the attackers were wearing Islamic attire, such as panjabis and caps. They shouted slogans against followers of the Sanatan religion. Despite repeated calls to law enforcement, no one responded.

Upon visiting Polash Moni Das’s house, it was observed that the Thai glass of the veranda window was broken, furniture in two rooms was ransacked, the almirah was smashed, and all glass items in the house were broken.

Since the following Wednesday, the family members have left the area in fear for their lives and taken refuge at a relative’s house in another area. It is notable that since Sheikh Hasina’s resignation last Monday, there have been attacks on Hindu communities across the country. The attackers are carrying out organized attacks, causing extensive vandalism and looting.
When contacted about law and order, Mirpur Assistant Police Commissioner Omar Faruk stated that the police are alert to prevent any further attacks. He mentioned that the police have started working with community stakeholders to improve the law and order situation. He urged people to view the incidents as isolated and move forward, assuring that each incident will be investigated and action will be taken accordingly.